Saturday, May 2, 2009

One week to go!

Yes, it looks like I'm going to make it through another semester. The highlights... I've actually completed my first "painting" - it was for my color class. We had to create patterns and then colorize them. I built my own canvas which was a hexagon (Barb can't do anything "normal" can I?) and then we had to trace one of our patterns on it and then paint it. They get hung up in the hallway at school for the next semester. I actually spent about 10 hours painting it. Kinda cool...

For my custom class; we had to design a custom rug and then a custom chair for a celebrity who's name we pulled out of a hat. I got Jack Black and had visions of doing a "Kung Fu Panda" chair - but I actually ended up doing a Nacho Libre one; because there was no doubt that it was for Jack Black - the panda chairs I sketched just ended up looking like a child's fun chair. We actually then had to hand off our drawings so someone else could build the scale model. Which means I had to build one that looked like a clear parfait glass... which entailed trying to stretch a plastic parfait glass to about 4 times its original size! Can you say four-letter words? LOL! Our last project is working in a group to design a hotel lobby with a theme we (*again*) pulled out of a hat. Our theme was "planets" but Kim & I decided to take it a step further and do "space" in general. I created an elevation of our registration desk and then rendered it. What do you think? Look a little "spacey"? Wait... don't answer that! LOL!
Art History was a piece of cake class - I took it online and I honestly should have waited until this summer to take it so I could have done another class this semester. Oh well ~ hindsight!
My last class was space planning - we had a partial building where we had to design a Culinary Arts school for our first/second projects and our last project has been a three-story art gallery where the first two stories are for the art gallery & peripheral stuff (offices, restrooms, etc.) and the top floor was living quarters for the owners. It was kind of neat being able to work out all of the details, find all of the furniture, lighting, flooring, paint, etc. I still have a little bit of work to do on this but am having problems concentrating on homework right now since I've been awake since 2 this morning (and up doing homework since 3... yeah I know there is something terribly wrong with me!).

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